The Petition Tool

For campaigners and fundraisers

Our petition tool makes campaigners happy, and fundraisers too. Because, in contrast to many petition solutions on the market, important requirements such as tracking, CRM connections and e-mail marketing systems form an integral part of our solution.

A tool from

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Attractive Campaign Pages

Our petition tool is based on WordPress, which is by far the most widely-used CMS solution internationally. You therefore get a solid and flexible foundation which does not come with any restrictions in terms of design and possible content elements.

Image galleries, videos, animated graphics and lots more: Thanks to the intuitive Drag & Drop Builder, you can create campaign pages in a flash, that set the scene for your message perfectly.
Let your potential supporters know that they are part of a community: With the interactive real-time counter of the collected signatures and the display of personal messages you create the feeling that together everything is possible.

  • Large selection of display options

  • Interactive real-time counter

  • Full corporate identity/corporate design customisation

  • Optimised display on all devices

Petition template

Conversion-optimised Forms

The number of supporters is crucial for a petition’s success. This is why petition forms are at the heart of every campaign page. We have invested a lot of time in providing a petition tool that leaves nothing to be desired. Drop-down menus, tick boxes, text boxes: Assemble your form so that it meets your requirements.
Are there any internal discussions in advance of your action about how much information should be queried? A streamlined form promises more participants, a detailed one higher value data sets. Thanks to our multi-step forms, you can save yourself these thoughts. Start with a few fields and request additional, optional information in a second step. This leaves the decision of how much to disclose up to the user.
Do you want to provide information in the background? No problem thanks to hidden fields.
A particular highlight of our solution is this: You can ask the supporters to sign the petition by hand. Using the touchscreen on mobile devices and via image upload on computers.

  • Unlimited fields and validation

  • Sending protest mail

  • Entering a digital signature via the touchscreen or as an upload

  • Spam protection

  • Multi-step form

Man filling out form

Data Management & Integrations

Post-signature means pre-donation: Petitions allow you not only to influence political decisions, but also to gather a large number of leads. An optimal chance to enter into a dialogue and turn leads into donors. Thanks to marketing automation, such donor journeys can even be played out automatically to achieve maximum relevance and streamline work processes. Unfortunately this often fails because there is no connection from the petition form to the database. So that the journey does not end before it even begins, we offer automated data transfer to ActiveCampaign, Episerver, Salesforce, Inxmail, MailChimp and many other CRM and marketing automation systems. We will also gladly develop new add-ons for you to integrate your solutions.

  • Flexible architecture

  • Direct data transfer to third-party systems

  • Integration with F2F campaigns

Journey modeller screenshot