February 2019
Marketing automation & campaigns
WWF Germany – Marketing automation for peer-to-peer fundraising
More donations for the WWF thanks to motivated fundraisers
Income from donations almost doubled
Only those with fire in their bellies, can ignite fire in others
Use the fire in the hearts of your loyal donors and participants and help them to help you. After all, no-one knows what touches, moves and mobilises donors better than other donors. Take advantage of these valuable multipliers and give them the chance to support the causes they are passionate about through professional peer-to-peer fundraising.
The challenge – finding analytical and data-based solutions
The WWF launched the peer-to-peer platform ActionPanda at the end of 2017. Unfortunately it brought in less income from donations than expected, although the peer-to-peer fundraisers actively used the platform and many created event-related donation campaigns. So where was the problem? Due to incomplete tracking, the question could not be answered at first, as no concrete analysis of the actions could be made. It only became clear in August 2018 as a result of our analysis: Subscriptions to each campaign were too low. The reason for this was that the platform’s mail system, which was in use until then, only sent notifications to the peer-to-peer fundraisers when something happened on the platform. If donations were not being made, communication and, gradually, the entire donation campaign ground to a halt.
The collaboration – new chances for long-standing partnership
getunik has been one of WWF’s partners since 2004. In the past we have managed to overcome numerous difficulties and celebrate our success. We designed solutions for various challenges and implemented these together. We are pleased to have been able to accompany WWF on this especially exciting case, and to be able to support their very important work for the preservation of our planet.
“Together with getunik we are working on the successful digitalization of our event donation program.”
Marcela Romero-Heidemann, WWF Germany
Solution and implementation – automated communication that motivates
The goal was to develop a communication strategy which increased income from donations for each campaign. The peer-to-peer fundraisers had to be motivated and fired up during the campaign. The fundraisers then passed this motivation on to their peer group.
In the spring of 2018, WWF Germany decided to improve the peer-to-peer programme on their platform. In the beginning we supported them as advisers and helped to set up Google Analytics. Together we defined goals, the achievement of which was monitored by e-commerce tracking. The problem to date: The number of peer-to-peer campaigns was good. However, the individual campaigns brought in too few donations. Therefore, the goal was to increase the intake for each campaign. To achieve this, it was necessary to prevent the fundraisers’ interest from gradually dwindling during the campaign. An email series should motivate the peer-to-peer fundraisers during the campaign. From now on, fundraisers received a notification when no donations had been made in seven days. The automation was triggered again after 14 days of no incoming donations. Also new were congratulatory emails which were triggered when donations were received. Seven days before the end of the campaign, the peer-to-peer fundraisers received a reminder, a call for a final spurt. Before the automation was set up, the journey only consisted of two emails: One at the start and one at the end of the campaign. Communication was expanded considerably; the result was astounding.
The effect – double the income from donations
Within two months, the organisation succeeded in almost doubling its income. This is especially gratifying as the reference period (December 2018/January 2019) fell within the Christmas period. Every fundraiser knows: An above average amount of money is donated at Christmas time. So it is normal that the number of donation campaigns is lower in January and February. However, the number of donations per campaign has doubled through automation. The amount per donation also increased by half on average. So we were able to achieve double the income.
“As ex-pandas, we are particularly pleased to be able to continue contributing to the success of the WWF projects”
Gregor Nilsson and Heiko Korntheuer, getunik
getunik services
getunik was able to support WWF Germany in the following steps:
Individuals campaign for WWF Germany
As an organisation, WWF Germany enables its donors to create personal fundraising sites and to collect money for good causes in their own name and on their own initiative.
Determining the relevant donor journeys
Which target groups are approached with WWF Germany’s donation campaigns? Following a thorough analysis, six target groups were identified. These are basically campaigners and donors with different activity and donation potentials. Every target group now takes a different journey and is also treated differently, of course.
Step-by-step to donor journey
Journeys always have a similar basic structure. However, the journey for each target group needs to be planned step-by-step. What should specific target groups experience during their journey? How will they be informed, through which channels and using which content? This requires a lot of empathy. With the goal of ultimately supporting the organisation in their good deed always in sight.

Increasing donations through regular campaign updates
Campaigners and their donors are never left alone during their donation campaigns. They receive supportive and motivating emails at pre-determined intervals from the start. Additional emails like these are worth their weight in gold. Thanks to a connection to WWF Germany’s email distribution tool, the campaigners were able to almost double their income from donations. Thus producing 3x wins instantly: for the campaigners, for WWF Germany and for the good cause!
WWF Germany – Nature’s advocate
The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) has been campaigning for the preservation of biodiversity for more than 50 years. Worldwide, WWF Germany campaigns for conservation in 21 international project regions. Emphasis here is on preserving the last large wooded areas on Earth, the fight against climate change, advocacy of living oceans and conservation of rivers and wetlands worldwide. WWF Germany also implements numerous projects and programmes in Germany. The WWF’s goal is clear: We want to jointly stop the worldwide destruction of nature and the environment, and mould a future in which man and nature can live in harmony with one another.