• Wald

Machine Learning and “Prophecy Trees”


Machine Learning and “Prophecy Trees” How data helps to predict your donors’ behaviour What drives non-profit [...]

Machine Learning and “Prophecy Trees”2022-05-03T14:42:06+00:00

5 steps to a successful campaign


5 steps to a successful campaign Our creation process: 5 steps to a successful campaign A [...]

5 steps to a successful campaign2022-05-03T14:46:36+00:00

Recover donation dropouts


Recover donation dropouts Whether due to an incorrectly entered credit card number or a technical error: 15% [...]

Recover donation dropouts2022-05-03T14:47:35+00:00
  • Man raising his hand, symbolizing 5 Ways to Fundraise

5 SOS fundraising measures for Christmas


5 SOS fundraising measures for Christmas Effective and immediate fundraising Christmas is just around the corner [...]

5 SOS fundraising measures for Christmas2022-05-03T14:49:52+00:00
  • Boy on ladder, symbol for lead scoring

Lead Scoring: Recognize your full potential


Lead Scoring: Recognize your full potential Collect more donations through clever scaling How would it affect [...]

Lead Scoring: Recognize your full potential2022-05-03T14:50:31+00:00
  • Signpost symbolizing the way from contact to donor.

Use Case: From Lead to Donor


Use Case: From Lead to Donor The path to the goal Imagine you go into a [...]

Use Case: From Lead to Donor2024-01-17T12:41:37+00:00